Copyright Robert Goddard. All rights reserved.


My writing desk, which as you can see, is neat and orderly.

     I was active in college theater and had the following roles:

     Ernest in Impromptu, by  Tad Mosel

     Bottom in Midsummer Night's Dream, by William Shakespeare

     Juan in Yerma, by Garcia Lorca

     Jeeter Lester in Tobacco Road, by Erskine Caldwell

     The lead role in The Dictionary, by Dalton Eddleman

           (Can't find information on the play and don't remember the             character's name.)    

 In 1991, I was the principal founder of The Black Rose Theatre Company, an award winning community theatre now in its 28th year.  I believe that in the first year, I attended every rehearsal and every performance of every play, and of course every cast party. 

Aside from writing, my principal activities are pocket billiards, reading history books and novels, watching the History Channel, the National Geographic Channel, the Science Channel, college football, and watching buskers and street performers on YouTube.

Click the above button to hear an interview of Robert Goddard by Diann Schindler during a podcast of her show, "In The Know."